Overall, I have enjoyed this class. I learned an extraordinary amount about both the environment and the energy business. I plan on taking the information that I learned in this class and applying it to my other fields of study. I feel this information will cross over well, seeing as I am a political science and history double major. The topics of energy and the environment have plenty of politics and history associated with them and for this reason I believe I will be successful when I apply this information to other sectors of study.
During the course of the class, we did a total of three homework assignments. Two of these assignments were unit conversion problems in which we were tasked with converting the units in several different scenarios and with learning the different conversion techniques. The third assignment was a paper that I wrote on the topic of Nuclear energy, a topic that I am very interested in. I hope you enjoy the assignments.
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For this project, my partner and I chose to do a presentation on the topic of global climate change. Our presentation included a video about climate change and a concept map that we created with another group who's topic was energy in the residential sector. It also included a power point that contained little information about the topic itself, but served more as a visual aid to the speaking notes that I used to present. I hope you enjoy the presentation slides and notes as well as the concept map and video. The link to said video is below.
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This is the paper that I wrote on the topic of how the global climate change will affect agricultural production if current trends continue. This research paper helped me to understand how to better write a science paper and taught me much about global climate change that I was unaware of before I took this paper on. The research that I did helped me immensely in better understanding how to effectively research a topic, as well as how to better use sources in a paper. I also enjoyed learning about the topic that I chose and found the information to be very intere
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This essay contains the knowledge I had regarding energy when I was going into this class at the beginning of the semester. As you will see, my knowledge was minimal when it came to the topic, especially with the more complicated issues. However, as you will see in my final essay, my knowledge has greatly increased in both basic and complex topics.
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    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    May 2013

