In CAS 138T, I learned much about how to better myself as both a public speaker and a writer. I also learned how to more effectively utilize rhetoric. I also learned how to deliberate much better than I had been doing. This was done through a deliberation exercise that the class participated in. This not only helped me to understand how to better utilize rhetoric as well as how decisions are made on a large scale when many people have different opinions that they wish to express. Finally, I learned how to more effectively advocate for a cause. This was done through the creation of a website that could advocate for anything we chose it too. This helped me to understand how to better advocate for a cause that was important to me. Overall, this class has made me a better writer, speaker, and more professional when it come to decision making. I hope you enjoy the pieces.

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    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    April 2013

