For this class, we had to create an entry to the "This I Believe" segment on NPR. This is my entry about a moment in my life when I witnessed something that helped to make me the person that I am today. I have also included the link to the audio if you are so inclined to listen to it. 

My parents have always believed that the only way you can coexist with others, is to always treat them with respect. Many refer to this as the golden rule; I refer to it as the teachings of my childhood. The basic beliefs that were bestowed upon me as a child all centered around the theme that being kind to others is the only way to be.

Growing up, I found it shocking that not a lot of people had been exposed to this basic kindness as I thought. It was hard for me to maintain my belief that everyone should be treated equally when I wasn’t being extended that same respect by the majority of children my age. However, I held my ground and stood tall in my beliefs. But there was one event that tested me more than any other could have. My family was on a trip and we had stopped at a Dunkin Donuts for breakfast. The Dunkin Donuts was staffed with Indians who spoke broken English and therefore had trouble understanding some of the orders. Both of my parents, whom I had thought to be pillars of caring and respect, became impatient with one of the Indian men behind the counter after he had tried a few times to understand the order and hadn’t been able to get it all. This may seem a small event and a part of everyday life, but I was in Middle School and thought that as long as I know that my parents are able to stay strong in their respect for everyone, then I can too.

Out of this event, I came to realize that my parents were only human and that I too, was prone to these moments of impatience, even though I don’t like to admit it. After this event, I have continued to treat others with the respect I believe they deserve as human beings, regardless of who they are. And even though I am human and therefore prone to moments of impatience and weakness, all things still deserve respect. And this, I believe.

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    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    April 2013

